Updating Field Acres
In Harvest Profit there are two areas to enter acres into your account.
The first is the Field & Land Cost page. We use the acres on the Field & Land Cost page to calculate your total land cost payment. You will want to match your Field & Land Cost acres to your rental contracts or FSA acres.
The second place we record acres is on the Crop Planner page. This is where you set your planted acres. We use planted acres for calculating seed, chemical, and fertilizer expenses.
Note: If you see the land cost on your P&L is different than what you entered into the Field & Land Cost page that is because we calculate the payment over your planted acres. If you have less planted acres than what is entered into the Field & Land Cost page your land cost per acre will be higher. We calculate your total payment and divide that by the planted acres which are set on the Crop Planner page.
Reasoning: We do this to accurately show the true P&L for your tillable acres. If there are trees, water hazards, or un-tillable acres, we need to show the cost of these acres applied to planted acres (the only acres generating revenue).